SBA Shutdown – Tuesday July 7th 2020

SBA Shutdown – Tuesday July 7th 2020

Dear SBA Members,

Due to the re-introduction of Stage 3 restrictions by the Victorian State Government this afternoon due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the following adjustments to our plans for the resumption of basketball activities at the Southern Basketball Centre.

Casual Shooting:

All casual shooting has now been cancelled, effective immediately.

Junior and Senior Domestic Season resumption:

The seasons have been postponed indefinitely.

Sabres Rep Training Sessions:

All training sessions scheduled for Saturday the 11th of July are cancelled. All other training sessions are also cancelled.

Sabres Senior Shooting Sessions:

All sessions are cancelled.

The SBA is disappointed that we are in a position where we have to close our stadium again, however, we feel it is in the best interests of our community and all of our members.

Any queries, please contact the SBA office on or
