Southern Basketball Association would like to update our members on both the Tulip Street, External Venues and other playing facilities for the 2021 SEJBT as rules may differ with different establishments:

Southern Basketball Centre and Parkdale Secondary College require all members to be wearing masks at all times.

Southern Basketball Centre also has a different entrance then normal – please enter via the side entrance to court 1, there will be signs signaling where to enter and exit

Parkdale Secondary is only permitted 1 spectator per player.

Dandenong Stadium has no restrictions on spectators but normal Covid-19 requirements and social distancing must be followed.

Casey Stadium is recommended 1 spectator per player and recommended to wear masks and social distancing must be followed. Exits will be on Courts 2, 3 and 9 at Casey Stadium

Waverley Stadium is permitted 1 spectator per player. Follow all other normal Covid-19 requirements and social distancing.

Thank you for your understanding during these times and good luck to all teams competing in this years tournament.
