SBA – Return to Sport 28.7.21

The Victorian government has announced an easing of restrictions  for community facilities which enables the SBA  to re-open our doors on Wednesday 28th July, 7.00 pm for Senior domestic competitions.

Junior domestic competitions will recommence Thursday 29th July at 4.15 pm

There is strict limitations to the number of people allowed in our venues at one time and we will be enforcing the following protocols to ensure we comply:

  • 1 Coach Per Team
  • 1 Scorer Per Team
  • No spectators
  • Masks must be worn by all people over 12 years of age inside including players until teams commence there warmup on court


The SBA acknowledges that parents would like  to be with watching their children whilst they are playing however the maximum capacity permitted by the State Government is 100 .

If any team during this restriction phase needs to forfeit, the fee for this will be waived.

We understand this is a tough time for all, but we are glad to be back on court (with restrictions) and look forward to seeing all of our members return.

VJBL, BigV and NBL1 Programs including training will recommence this week, the stadium capacity of 100 still applies. Further details pertaining to the specifics of the VJBL games are still being reviewed by Basketball Victoria, we will advise details when they come to hand.

Details will be sent to all Coaches and Team Managers directly.

Due to stadium limits Junior clinics ( Bee ball & Cubs ) have been cancelled until further notice.


SBA Management
