SBA Community Coaching Course

SBA Community Coaching Course

To all SBA members,

The SBA Board has unanimously agreed with the Operations Team to support the recommendation that all Junior Domestic Coaches require a Community Coach accreditation from Basketball Victoria. This will be compulsory for all coaches when basketball recommences in 2021, the actual date for this is unknown at this stage. At present, approximately 200 domestic coaches out of 600 have already gained this accreditation so we are nearly a third of the way through.

Both our Head Coaches are Basketball Victoria accredited trainers to provide this online course via the Zoom platform and will schedule weekly courses for the remainder of this year. In the recent survey that we conducted with the Junior Domestic players over 60% agreed that Domestic Coaches should have a coaching accreditation.

In addition to this, all coaches who complete the course will have access to the SBA Junior Domestic Coach portal on our website which has numerous training and skill development videos.

We will announce this new initiative on our website as well as e-mailing directly all our junior members parents in the next few days, if you have any questions, please let me know.

The course usually runs in a two-hour block on court with demonstrators. During this current lockdown, our SBA Head Coaches have reverted to conducting online courses which can be completed in 90 minutes. Once we return to court in late 2020/early 2021, we will revert to a live presentation.

We have 2 new dates for November and December 2020.

All sessions will start at 7.00pm:

  • Monday the 7th of December To register please contact direct.

The course will cost $10 per participant. The SBA requires a minimum of ten registered coaches for the course to go ahead.

Zoom meeting link and security authentication will be distributed once registrations close for each date.