SBA Board Announcement

Attention all,

I would like to inform you that due to work commitments, Kath Fordham-King has unfortunately resigned from her position as a SBA Board member. Kath joined our Board in 2020 and has provided an invaluable contribution to the SBA. Her legal expertise and her unwavering passion for basketball has been greatly appreciated. We will miss her vibrant and committed contribution to the SBA.

Due to the creation of this casual vacancy we are excited to announce that Michelle Scalzi has agreed to join the SBA Board replacing Kath. Michelle brings us a wealth of commercial experience along with her knowledge of the SBA as a parent. Michelle’s brief bio includes the following:-

  1. Masters of Business (Sport Management) & Bachelor of Education
  2. 25 years experience within blue chip organisations including Services and Global FMCG companies
  3. Current role: General Manager Insights, Innovation & Fonterra Brand (Fonterra Australia)
  4. Experience in Business & Brand Strategy, Marketing & Communications, Consumer Insights and Product Innovation
  5. Involved with the Sabres since 2016 with two sons playing Rep and Domestic (currently in U16s & U20s)

Please join me in thanking Kath for her contribution, as well as warmly welcoming Michelle to the SBA Board.

As per Constitutional requirements, Michelle will sit on the board until the next AGM where she will then nominate for formal election.

Phil McFarlane
